

What is this website?

This is an experimental website created as a video-watching platform with the intention of improving my frontend skills.

You can read this later at Help Page

Current Features:

  • Homepage: Displays trending videos in USA. The videos are chosen from keyword search: 'trending' and regionCode: 'US'
  • Video Page: Allows users to watch selected videos
  • Recommended Videos: Section on the right side of the video page, brings recommended videos from the YouTube API. The fetch brings only 12 videos, thus limiting the usage of the API
  • Search Functionality: Users can search for videos. The results are brought from the YouTube API, and each search fetches only the first 8 videos

Features not implemented yet:

  • My Profile Page
  • Like Feature and Liked Videos Page
  • Subscribe to Channel Feature and Subscriptions Page

I have chosen not to develop these features as they would primarily require backend development, and the focus of this website's development, for now, is to enhance my frontend skills.

You can access the files at github.com/thomasalbuquerque/pipe-tube